Big-Bag discharge machine consists of mainly three parts: carrier body, discharge cone with vibration, and dosing screw. A monorail is attached on the main body in order to take the filled Big-Bag. Big-Bag is hanged to a cross-shaped profile from its 4 lifting loops and taken onto the machine by a motorized lifter.
Big-Bag discharging funnel is placed on rubber buffers and is driven by a vibration motor. A reduction is made under the Big-Bag to ease the flow. Under the outlet of discharge cone there is a screw feeder, which is connected flexibly to avoid vibration. Screw feeder can be manufactured according to the desire of the customer. There are special features on the machine to avoid dust.
If desired whole structure can be placed on a weighing platform to control the material that is discharged. This platform stands on the ground with adjustable, rubber foots. Data obtained from the load-cells, which are under the platform, is displayed as “discharge weight value” and “cumulative weight value”. Besides, automation parameters like dosing value, calibration coefficient etc…can be entered from the keyboard.