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Liquid Batch Dosing Systems

Liquid dosing systems generally include the dosing of different liquids for reactors according to the prescription. Liquid materials are stored in tanks in the system. Liquids are pumped to desired reactor by means of pumps and controllable valves through pipelines.

List of raw materials and prescriptions used in the production are saved in the computer. Not only do they include the codes of the raw materials included in the processes, but the prescriptions also comprise parameters like mixing cycle, mixing period, circulation periods and temperature limits.

The operator enters the product code and starts the production. The computer contacts with weighing units and other collecting devices and transfers the values to the screen and saves them. Graphics and results are printed after the operation.

There are many assistant elements used in liquid dosage systems. Level sensors, pneumatic operated valves, pressure sensors, flow meters are some of these.

sıvı batch dozaj sistemleri sıvı batch dozaj
